Monday, February 8, 2010

Point Cabrillo

After leaving Carlsbad beach we headed out past Temecula to the Jojoba (said with an H sound, we are in So. Cal after all) Hills SKP park for a few days before heading out to Quartsite, Az. The park was a nice, well run park with very nice views. We boondocked for a couple of days before deciding to move up to full hookup sites. The park had a nice jacuzzi, sauna, and a heated pool, so the girls were quite happy, plus with ice cream socials on M W and F, we enjoyed it alot. We headed out toward San Diego one afternoon to visit REI (needed shoes, bought some Vibram five finger shoes for everyone but Andie (too small feet yet), everyone should have a pair of these, look em up), Whole foods, Christmas returns and last but not least, Point Cabrillo National Park. The downside is that we arrived later than we wanted due to our other errands because a person could spend easily a whole day at the park with its stunning views, the lighthouse, tide pools, history, bunkers and on and on. We watched a variety of navy ships depart the shipyard close by, even a submarine, though the picture did not come out. We did not spot any of the whales that are reported to be around, but again, we lacked for time. The lighthouse was very interesting and the display was done well. There is a spiral staircase through all three floors and it is tiny but does make for fun photos. There was a group of school kids there and it was a good reminder of why we home school, let us say there was an, um, lack of situational awareness and respect of others while in the lighthouse. Cami and Andi were able in the time allotted to finish up another Jr. Ranger course of study and receive their Pt. Cabrillo Jr. Ranger Badge (#3 for those counting). All in all a recommended park, especially if you have lots of time to sit and take in the vistas. After this it is back to Jojoba hills park to get ready for Quartsite with the Belous.

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